Saturday 19 April 2008

Alice In Poemland

Whilst I get some new writings together, here are some oldies..

('Twas museslip, and the wavely flomes

did bloglydangle in the swage;

All squeemsy were the splatterpomes

and the bombbards shortsage)

Alice in Poemland

Twinkle, twinkle, little poem,

How I wonder where you're going -

You left me and now it's night,

Where's my little winking light?

How I lost you there's no knowing,

How I miss you, little poem.

Alice on Poets

Speak badly of your local poet,

Berate him when he pleases

(He's probably a nancy boy

That's likely why he teases)

But if it is a lady poet

Then put her in your thesis,

You'll find she is presented best

In sassy little pieces

Alice Threw the Looking Glass

When Alice threw the looking glass

The Reverend had to duck,

He said "You broke my paradox!

That's seven years bad luck!"

But Alice found his opium stash,

She didn't give a ....

1 comment:

Anna Russell said...

I LOVE these, especially Alice Threw A Looking Glass.
Beautifully quirky. I'll definitely be back to read more.